Day Nineteen
Bible Reading
Phil 3:20-21 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
Everybody loves a good makeover. Whether it’s a scruffy looking man who gets a haircut, or a total body transformation, or even a home or room makeover, we love seeing before and afters. And there is nothing wrong with this; improving a space in your home or taking time to workout, eat healthier and get in shape are all good things. But we need to put it all into perspective. In a spiritual sense, this world is not our home and this body is not our body. We are citizens of heaven. One day, all those who are followers of Christ will trade in this life for an eternal life, trade in your body for a new body and trade in your home for a new home in heaven. Which home should we being investing in? Which body should we be spending the most of our time prioritizing? Sometimes we just need to be reminded that this world is not our home and nothing will last beyond it except for the human souls. When troubles come, when disaster strikes, and we feel the heartache of a broken, sin-filled world, we need to be reminded that it doesn’t really matter all that much in light of eternity. When we feel out of place, it’s okay. We have the hope of heaven in our hearts; that a better tomorrow is coming. For now we are in the waiting, but it won’t last forever. The best is yet to come…and it’s going to be a glorious makeover.
Question to Think About
How does the realization that this world is not your home change how you live?
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